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Giannis Bizas

Giannis Bizas was born in Hios, in 1980 and early on he showed an interest in painting and sculpture. He followed lessons of sculpture initially in Florence and he completed his studies in Accademia di Belli Arti, in Carrara of Italy. The material that particularly fascinates him is marble, which he carves in a special way. The use of marble in the artistic creations of Bizas is always symbolic. The place where the sculpture will be placed has a significant meaning since it is connected contextually to the art work, as part of the real world. Moreover the impact of the light on the thinly worked piece creates a transparency on the texture of the marble which allows the eye of the viewer to penetrate the figure. He draws his themes by everyday life.

Giannis Bizas embraced the Greek Marble Initiative concept and involved iinto its actions since the beginning. He has exhibited in various occasions with the Initiative and is full associate.

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